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Localstack: awscli works, aws-sdk raise errors

I want to use localstack with ruby aws-sdk. It seems the aws sdk miss some configuration or has a bug, it raises error:

After a'mybucket').exists?

it raises a:

/usr/local/lib/ruby/2.2.0/net/http.rb:879:in `initialize': unable to connect to 
`mybucket.localstack`; SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known

On the same container, if I use awscli no problem at all:

root@35afc611394b:/app/user# aws --endpoint-url=http://localstack:4572 s3 mb s3://test1
  make_bucket: test1
root@35afc611394b:/app/user# aws --endpoint-url=http://localstack:4572 s3 ls
  2006-02-03 16:45:09 test1

I created a docker-compose.yml to help following the problem:

I noticed in the readme what I tried for now.

Please advice :)


  • Thanks for providing the detailed repo to reproduce your issue.
    I was able to resolve this by forcing Aws configuration to force_path_style (based off of this).

    If you enable path style access on your client, it will not append the bucket name to your domain name

    So the config ended up looking like this:

    Aws.config.update(endpoint: localstack, credentials:'sofake', 'solie'), region: 'eu-west-1', force_path_style: true)

    The next problem was due to the fact that the bucket didn't exist yet (at least on my machine). So, I had to run this command once 'mybucket')

    After that your script worked as expected:

       Setting endpoint to http://localstack:4572/
       Aws.config={:endpoint=>"http://localstack:4572/", :credentials=>#
       <Aws::Credentials access_key_id="sofake">, :region=>"eu-west-1", 
       sleeping 1s
       setting aws endpoint'mybucket').exists?
       #<Aws::S3::Bucket:0x00559716b95a20 @name="mybucket", @data=nil, @client=#<Aws::S3::Client>>