What exactly is a REST header? I'm having problems understanding what a header is because at first I thought read that it's something that the requester doesn't see in the HTTP. But then when I do some more research I see them sometimes going in the body. Can somebody please help me understand it with a general understanding?
Also, I have homework for trying to develop a Flask API that returns data and a header like "v:1.2" in all requests made. I have some questions that I am having problems figuring out.
How do I get my API to return a header that contains custom information such as "XYZ" every time a request is made? Will this get returned in the body?
I made a "/" home request that returns all the data from my JSON and then I tried making a "/item" that return data from the "items" of my JSON but I can't get it to work. It always returns that it can't be found when I test the API. Is the problem when I write purchases["item"]?
purchases = [
"transactions": [
"items": [
"name": "My Item:",
"price": 15.99
"name": "My Wonderful Store"
"time": [
"hour bought": "02:00"
# GET /
@app.route("/") # shows your whole list
def get_purchases():
return jsonify({"purchases": purchases})
# GET /item
@app.route("/item") # gets just item
def get_statistics_loads():
return jsonify({"items:": purchases["items"]})
import flask
from flask import jsonify
from flask import make_response
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
purchases = [
"transactions": [
"items": [
"name": "My Item:",
"price": 15.99
"name": "My Wonderful Store"
"time": [
"hour bought": "02:00"
# GET /
@app.route("/") # shows your whole list
def get_purchases():
response = make_response(jsonify(purchases))
response.headers["customHeader"] = "custom value"
return response
Your purchases is a list, not a dict. You cannot access "item" in a dict-way