What I would like :
The values to replace are between {{
Input : "this is letter {{ A }} and {{ B }}"
but it can change : "this is letter {{ AAAA }} and {{ BBB }}"
with array ("C", "D")
Output : "this is letter C and D
I don't know in advance the string between {{
and I would like to extract those strings and replace them with another value :
What I tried :
$body = "This is a body of {{awesome}} text {{blabla}} from a book.";
//Only work if we know the keys (awesome, blabla,...)
$text["awesome"] = "really cool";
$text["blabla"] = "";
echo str_replace(array_map(function($v){return '{{'.$v.'}}';}, array_keys($text)), $text, $body);
Result :
This is a body of really cool text from a book.
Problem :
I cannot find something similar to this already asked (there is only when we know before the old content between brackets, but mines are "dynamic"), so the solution with array_map or preg_replace_callback doesn't work.
Any idea on how I can do this?
I think this is what you are after:
$body = "This is a body of {{awesome}} text {{blabla}} from a book.";
$count = 0;
$terms[] = '1';
$terms[] = '2';
echo preg_replace_callback('/\{{2}(.*?)\}{2}/',function($match) use (&$count, $terms) {
$return = !empty($terms[$count]) ? $terms[$count] : 'Default value for unknown position';
return $return;
}, $body);
Demo: https://3v4l.org/Ktaod
This will find each {{}}
pairing and replace the value with a value from an array based on the position it was found in the string.
The regex \{{2}(.*?)\}{2}
is just looking for 2 {
s, anything in between, and then 2 }