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MobileFirst 8 Android APP cannot connect to MobileFirst server after direct update

Here's the scenario:

  1. Android device install WebResource Encrypt MFP APP.
  2. Direct update web resource.
  3. Restart this APP [ onDestory() -> onCreate() ]
  4. Fail to connect MobileFirst8 Server

The logcat info: enter image description here

We enable the follow features:

  1. Certificate pinning
  2. WebResource encrypt(mfpdev app webencrypt).

MobileFirst server version :

Cordova MFP plugin version :

  1. cordova-plugin-mfp 8.0.2017082110
  2. cordova-plugin-mfp-push 8.0.2017082110

Update 1:

Even if we did not Direct Update web resource, just restart this app will fail to connect MobileFirst server.

The test scenario:

  1. cordova prepare
  2. mfpdev app webencrypt (with certificate pinning)
  3. debug on android device
  4. first run works fine. but fail to connect when reload this app

Here's the device log when APP restart: enter image description here

MFP server version :

mfpdev-cli version : 8.0.0-2017080206

cordova-plugin-mfp version : 8.0.2017090705

device info : Android 7.0

Test project source code : GitHub link


  • The case has been fixed via PI88636

    Use cordova-plugin-mfp 8.0.2017102115 to resolve the issue.