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Assigning events to calender dates in R

This is for creating sampling design for my experiment. I want to survey 8 different individuals on every Monday of the year 2018. Order in which I survey them needs to be random for each Monday. For eg. A,B,C,D... for one Monday and then for next C,B,A,D....

To try this with R, I have a list of names: namelist<- ("A", "B", "C",...) containing 8 different names. I want to assign these in random order to every Monday in a year. For this, I have created a list of dates for the entire year 2018. X<- ("01-01-2018", "02-01-2018",...) and list of corresponding weekdays Y<- ("Monday", "Tuesday",...).

I need the entire namelist assigned in random order for all the Mondays in the year. What is the best way to go about it? Can I use for-loop for this? or is there another way to do this?


  • You can use the sample() function in a for loop to randomly sample from your name list into a dataframe:

    Get all the Mondays in the year and create namelist:

    dates = as.Date("2018-01-01") +7*(0:52)
    namelist = c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H")

    You've not specified how you want the output to look, but here is are two choices:

    Multi Column approach:

    for(i in 1:length(dates)){samples[i,]=sample(namelist)}
    > head(df)
           dates X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
    1 2018-01-01  E  G  B  D  H  C  A  F
    2 2018-01-08  F  D  B  C  G  H  A  E
    3 2018-01-15  A  E  H  D  B  C  G  F
    4 2018-01-22  E  C  F  H  A  D  G  B
    5 2018-01-29  C  E  F  B  G  H  A  D
    6 2018-02-05  C  G  A  H  D  F  B  E

    Single Column approach:

    df2 = data.frame(dates, samples_char="")
    for(i in 1:nrow(df2)){df2[i,'samples_char']=paste0(sample(namelist),collapse=", ")}
    > head(df2)
           dates           samples_char
    1 2018-01-01 E, A, G, D, C, B, F, H
    2 2018-01-08 B, E, F, A, C, H, G, D
    3 2018-01-15 H, D, E, C, F, A, G, B
    4 2018-01-22 G, F, A, D, E, H, C, B
    5 2018-01-29 A, E, D, H, G, C, B, F
    6 2018-02-05 C, H, G, F, E, B, D, A