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Implementing REST in twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP?

Has anyone managed to implement the REST command in twisted's FTP server? My current attempt:

from twisted.protocols import ftp
from twisted.internet import defer

class MyFTP(ftp.FTP):
    def ftp_REST(self, pos):
            pos = int(pos)
        except ValueError:
            return'Bad argument for REST'))

        def all_ok(result):
            return ftp.REQ_FILE_ACTN_PENDING_FURTHER_INFO # 350


class MyShell(ftp.FTPShell):
    def __init__(self, host, auth):
        self.position = 0

    def restart(self, pos):
        self.position = pos
        print "Restarting at %s"%pos
        return defer.succeed(pos)

When a client sends a REST command, it takes several seconds before I see this at the script output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
Failure: twisted.protocols.ftp.PortConnectionError: DTPFactory timeout
Restarting at <pos>

What am I doing wrong? Seems to me like a response should follow immediately from the REST command, why is the socket timing out?


After enabling logging as suggested by Jean-Paul Calderone, it looks like the REST command isn't even making it to my FTP class before the DTP connection times out from lack of connection (timestamps reduced to MM:SS for brevity):

09:53 [TrafficLoggingProtocol,1,] cleanupDTP
09:53 [TrafficLoggingProtocol,1,] <<class 'twisted.internet.tcp.Port'> of twisted.protocols.ftp.DTPFactory on 37298>
09:53 [TrafficLoggingProtocol,1,] dtpFactory.stopFactory
09:53 [-] (Port 37298 Closed)
09:53 [-] Stopping factory <twisted.protocols.ftp.DTPFactory instance at 0x8a792ec>
09:53 [-] dtpFactory.stopFactory
10:31 [-] timed out waiting for DTP connection
10:31 [-] Unexpected FTP error
10:31 [-] Unhandled Error
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        Failure: twisted.protocols.ftp.PortConnectionError: DTPFactory timeout

10:31 [TrafficLoggingProtocol,2,] Restarting at 1024

The ftp_PASV command returns DTPFactory.deferred, which is described as a "deferred [that] will fire when instance is connected". RETR commands come through fine (ftp.FTP would be pretty worthless otherwise).

This leads me to believe that there is some sort of blocking operation in here that won't let anything else happen until that DTP connection is made; then and only then can we accept further commands. Unfortunately, it looks like some (all?) clients (specifically, I'm testing with FileZilla) send the REST command before connecting when trying to resume a download.


  • After much digging into the source and fiddling with ideas, this is the solution I settled on:

    class MyFTP(ftp.FTP):
      dtpTimeout = 30
      def ftp_PASV(self):
        # FTP.lineReceived calls pauseProducing(), and doesn't allow
        # resuming until the Deferred that the called function returns
        # is called or errored.  If the client sends a REST command
        # after PASV, they will not connect to our DTP connection
        # (and fire our Deferred) until they receive a response.
        # Therefore, we will turn on producing again before returning
        # our DTP's deferred response, allowing the REST to come
        # through, our response to the REST to go out, the client to
        # connect, and everyone to be happy.
        resumer = reactor.callLater(0.25, self.resumeProducing)
        def cancel_resume(_):
          if not resumer.called:
          return _
        return ftp.FTP.ftp_PASV(self).addBoth(cancel_resume)
      def ftp_REST(self, pos):
        # Of course, allowing a REST command to come in does us no
        # good if we can't handle it.
          pos = int(pos)
        except ValueError:
          return'Bad argument for REST'))
        def all_ok(result):
    class MyFTPShell(ftp.FTPShell):
      def __init__(self, host, auth):
        self.position = 0
      def restart(self, pos):
        self.position = pos
        return defer.succeed(pos)

    The callLater approach can be flaky at times, but it works the majority of the time. Use at your own risk, obviously.