How to echo php containing html?
Instead of using <?php readfile("");?>
for every part of the website (footer, header, paypal forms, e.t.c.) I want to merge all parts (like below) into one php file, and then echo specific lines of that file into html.
I have done extensive research on Stackoverflow and other platforms, and tried many implementations. Please, can you assist with my below code, and point me to the right direction?
<header id=header><div class=logo><img src="/assets/images/name.png" alt="Pablito Greco logo" width=130 height=130 /></div><div class=content><div class=inner><h1>Pablito Greco</h1><p>Inspiring Artist & Entrepreneur</p></div></div><nav><ul><li><a href="/#Xtango" title="Xtango">Xtango</a></li><li><a href="/#Ebook" title="Book">Book</a></li><li><a href="/classes/#c" title="Classes">Classes</a></li><li><a href="/blog/#b" title="Blog">Blog</a></li><li><a href="/#Connect" title="Connect">Connect</a></li></ul></nav></header>
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<form action="" method=post target=_blank class=""><input class=special type=submit value=Buy name=submit title="Buy with PayPal"><div class=special2><input class=special3 type=hidden name=cmd value=_s-xclick><input type=hidden name=hosted_button_id value=XXXXXXXXXXX><input type=hidden name=currency_code value=CAD><select name=os0 title="Click and select"><option value="Select:">Select ▼</option><option value="6 Xtango Group">6 Xtango Group 119</option><option value="12 Xtango Group">12 Xtango Group (+ ebook) 229</option><option value="3 Xtango Private">3 Xtango Private 299</option><option value="6 Xtango Private">6 Xtango Private (+ ebook) 589</option></select></div></form>
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You seem to be looking to scrape html elements using php, and then save the scraped html elements to a new html file. A good way to do this, is to use the DomDocument class and xpath queries to find the element. Then create a new html document and append the found elements to the new document, and save to a file. For example:
//create array of element tags to be scraped from target url
$elements = ["header", "div"];
//get html from target url
$html = file_get_contents('');
//instantiate new instance DOMDocument for target html.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE); //disable libxml errors
//instantiate DOMXPath for the ability to do xpath queries.
//xpath is powerful for this example using basic query can be used to query by class id etc
//DOMDocument powerful too. Read documents here:
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
//instantiate DOMDocument for new HTML document where founds elements from target will be saved to.
$new_dom = new DOMDocument();
$new_dom->formatOutput = true;
//save basic html element to document
//iterate over $elements array
foreach($elements as $element){
//query by xpath for the element
$element_node = $xpath->query("//".$element);
//iterate over found elements and add to the new html document
foreach($element_node as $row){
$node = $new_dom->importNode($row, true);
//save found elements to new html document