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ERROR: Parsing unable to continue due to merge conflicts in Podfile.lock

recently since updating Xcode i have big troubles using podfiles. I wasn't able to add any new pods to my existing pod file, hence i decide to create a new project and just copy all my stuff inside. But now I have to face the same issues again and i would be really happy if we were able to solve this.

As the title says i get the following error every time i try to use pod install or any other pod commands:

ERROR: Parsing unable to continue due to merge conflicts present in: the file located at /Users/Al/Xcode/Alpha/Podfile.lock

and at the end of the whole error log it says:

<<<<<<< HEAD

PODFILE CHECKSUM: ee6160c5c3b5d0c8ebc5ddcb9ac0841413b85dc3


PODFILE CHECKSUM: d5cfd70801e862e4ade36c54ca4ad6698be59373

D>>>>>>> 41bfa2c75e2c2a1832f998baf7bd445e385ba513



  • If you don't need to insure you keep previous versions of any Pods, remove the Podfile.lock file and then do a fresh pod install:

    rm /Users/Al/Xcode/Alpha/Podfile.lock
    pod install