I'm having issues with adding a show instance to my data structure, which is:
data Structure = Structure String [Structure]
and I would like to have this output:
I've been trying this
instance Show Structure where
show (Structure a (xs)) = show a ++ "\n" ++ " " ++ show xs
But its output is
[], "strct2"
So, I would need no brackets, no commas and no quotation marks. Any ideas?
I'm sure there are better library routines for this, but wouldn't this work?
unlines $ a : [" " ++ show x | x <- xs]
However, that covers only one level. You probably want to define a different function than show to maintain the indentation, or you'd have to keep splitting sub-shows with lines
to find where to inject indentation.
A rough draft of such an indentation insertion function is:
prefix p s = unlines [p ++ l | l <- lines s]
Again, I'm sure there's something better in a library. Even these short snippets have gone through a few steps of refinement (foldl1 (++)
-> concat
-> unlines
, then join the first line as head with :