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Thunderbird - Get the user email address

I am developing a Mozilla Thunderbird plug-in and need to get the user's email address.

Question: How do I retrieve this address?

I will use it inside a JavaScript.


  • You should first keep in mind that a user can have multiple e-mail addresses (from multiple accounts or even multiple identities for one account), and you have to decide in which one you are interested.

    Note: there may exist an easier way then described below, e.g. a helper function in the existing Thunderbird Code. You could try to search comm-central for it

    You somehow have to get the nsIMsgIdentity for the identity you are interested in. It has an email property, with the e-mail adress as a string.

    One way to get all Identities should be via the allIdentities of nsIMsgAccountManager (didn't test it).

    Use the follwing code to get the nsIMsgAccountManager:

    let accountManager = MailServices.accounts

    If you have an nsIArray of nsIMsgIdentity, you can use the following code to loop over them:

    for (let identity in fixIterator(identities, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIdentity)) {

    References which could be useful:

    Overview of some interesting interfaces:

    Some account example Code: