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Calculator using Lex and Yacc

Is it possible to construct a simple arithmetic calculator in lex and Yacc?

If yes, please enlist the concepts/methods I should understand before proceeding.


  • Reference

    Note : Before posting a question you should search about it,The following answer that I am gonna post is obtained from the above link, which I obtained from a google search.

    The following code is used to implement calculator program using YACC and LEX.


    DIGIT [0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+
    %option noyywrap
    [ ]
    {DIGIT} { yylval=atof(yytext); return NUM;}
    \n|. {return yytext[0];}


    #define YYSTYPE double
    %token NUM
    %left ‘+’ ‘-‘
    %left ‘*’ ‘/’
    %right UMINUS
    S : S E ‘\n’ { printf(“Answer: %g \nEnter:\n”, $2); }
    | S ‘\n’
    | error ‘\n’ { yyerror(“Error: Enter once more…\n” );yyerrok; }
    E : E ‘+’ E { $$ = $1 + $3; }
    | E’-‘E { $$=$1-$3; }
    | E’*’E { $$=$1*$3; }
    | E’/’E { $$=$1/$3; }
    | ‘(‘E’)’ { $$=$2; }
    | ‘-‘E %prec UMINUS { $$= -$2; }
    | NUM
    #include “lex.yy.c”
    int main()
    printf(“Enter the expression: “);
    yyerror (char * s)
    printf (“% s \n”, s);
    exit (1);