I have a ASP.NET project that is used MS SQL db. DB access code is generated using CodeSmith .netTiers. Now, project will be merged with another and should use PostgreSQL db. I am looking for PostgreSQL Schema Provider for CodeSmith. But found only next topic on CodeSmith comunity: http://community.codesmithtools.com/nettiers/f/16/t/4463.aspx?PageIndex=2
Can be used PostgreSQL with .netTiers ?
Yes it can be used with .netTiers but there may be some work needed. I'll try and get his patches. Please use the PostgreSQLSchemaProvider that ships with CodeSmith Generator. We have recently rewrote the entire provider and have been doing a lot of testing on it. Please contact support for a nightly build of CodeSmith Generator which contains two extra PostgreSQLSchemaProvider bug fixes. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thanks -Blake Niemyjski