I'm trying to return all values stored in the tNames variable.
Values exists in the field. The show multivalues as separate entries have been selected already but none of the names is returned.
Below is the sample code:
tNames := "";
@For(n := 0; n <= QuestionCount - 1; n := n + 1;
tNames := tNames + ", " + @Implode(@GetField("ChecklistContact_" +
I dont know why its not returning anything, will appreciate your help.
The below returns only the contact with index 0, but I want to return all contacts in each document.
tCount := 0;
@For(n := 0; n <= QuestionCount - 1; n := n + 1;
tCount := tCount + @If(@GetField("ChecklistContact_" + @Text(n)) = ""; 0; 1)
@GetField("ChecklistContact_" + @Text(tCount))
Following comments from Richard the below return the required values, but will prefer not to hard code field name.
Is there any way of using for loop to return field names and values?
tNames := "";
tNames:= @GetField("ChecklistContact_1") : @GetField("ChecklistContact_2") : ... @GetField("ChecklistContact_7");
I don't believe that IBM's documentation says this explicitly, but I don't think @GetField works in column value formulas. The doc says that it works in the "current document", and there is no current document when the formula is executing in a view.
Assuming you know what the maximum number for N is, the way to do this is with a simple list:
ChecklistContact_1 : ChecklistContact_2 : ChecklistContact_3 : ... : ChecklistContact_N
If N is large, this will be a lot of typing, but you'll only have to do it once and copying and pasting and editing the numbers will make it go pretty quickly.