I was wondering if crafter (3.0) has the ability to do url mapping.
For example, to have a content at a given path like /site/website/foobar/mycontent/index.xml
, and its url being /news/2017/11/17/my-content
(notice the added /
which can't be used in a file-name
field since they are automatically converted to -
in studio).
A built-in router is on our roadmap (https://github.com/craftercms/craftercms/issues/1622), but for now, you can add one to your blueprint easily:
Create a Groovy filter script that will intercept all calls and checks if the URL matches one of the inbound URLs. If it does, it forwards the request to the corresponding outbound URL. Below is the possible code for such filter:
def routingTableItem = siteItemService.getSiteItem("/site/components/system/routing-table.xml")
def routingTable = routingTableItem.urlRoutingTable.item
def currentURL = request.requestURI
def matchedEntry = routingTable.find { entry ->
return currentURL == entry.inboundURL.text
if (matchedEntry) {
def inboundURL = matchedEntry.inboundURL.text
def outboundURL = matchedEntry.outboundURL.text
logger.info("Forwarding URL ${inboundURL} to ${outboundURL}")
request.getRequestDispatcher(outboundURL).forward(request, response)
} else {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response)