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IntelliJ does not recognize generated sources

There are already many similar questions, but none of the proposed solutions (mainly "Clear caches and restart IntelliJ) solves my problem.

I have a maven project that I imported into IntelliJ Community Edition 2017.1 . My maven build automatically creates some java sources from Google protobuf specifications.

Excerpt from pom.xml

                        <protocVersion>3.1.0</protocVersion> <!-- 2.4.1, 2.5.0, 2.6.1, 3.1.0 -->

The folder /generated-sources/protobuf is correctly recognized as "generated-sources" with a blue icon and the wheel for generated sources under IntelliJ -> File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> Sources

The maven target "compile" also works fine.

But the IntelliJ "internal" java compiler complains "Cannot resolve symbol" for my generated class.

Solutions I tired so far

  1. add an intermediate folder /target/generated-sources/protobuf/ => did not help
  2. Invalidate caches, delete project file, reimport, restart IDE => did not help
  3. Maven -> Reimport all projects => did not help

Any more suggestions?


  • SOLUTION: The generated files were to large. Had to increase


    in IDE_HOME\bin\ as described here: File size exceeds configured limit (2560000), code insight features not available