I am trying to skip an entity. I tried to do so by returning undefined
from idAttribute
function however it won't skip. Is this possible?
var { schema, normalize } = require("normalizr")
// Define your article
const article = new schema.Entity('articles', undefined, {
idAttribute: value => value.id
const reply = {
articles: [ { id:1, commenter:'foo' }, { id:2, commenter:'bar' }, { dummy:true } ]
const normalizedData = normalize(reply, { articles: [ article ] });
console.log('normalizedData.entities:', JSON.stringify(normalizedData.entities));
This gives us the data, normalizedData.entities
articles: {
1: {commenter: "foo", id: 1}
2: {commenter: "bar", id: 2}
undefined: {dummy: true}
However I want to skip any entries that don't have the key id
to not be there. This is a very simplified case of my actual case.
Normalizr does not include complexities for your specific case. You will have to filter those out as another step after the normalization process.