Tasks is: I have two effects (ngrx/store), let's say ef1$ and ef2$, which are Observables. In angular component I would like to detect which one is triggered. I added the following code:
Observable.race(ef1$, ef2$)
.subscribe((payload) => {
if (payload.type == ThreadActions.THREAD_READY_TO_BE_RENDERED) {
// do one thing
else if (payload.type == ThreadActions.THREAD_ITEM_READY_TO_BE_RENDERED) {
// do another thing
But it looks like that after first emit of any effects Observable.race is going to be dead and no reaction more on additional emits, despite of I sure that effect executes again and again.
It's hard to tell what is you desired functionality but if you want to use the race
operator multiple times you'll need to complete the chain when it emits a resubscribe immediately:
Observable.defer(() => Observable.race(ef1$, ef2$))