I'm changing my code from Felix SCR annotations to OSGi Compendium R6.
When I want to start my Karaf container, my bundle needs the capability osgi.extender to start correctly. I could see this is provided by org.apache.felix.scr >= 2.0.0 (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.scr)
Now the problem: I have the version 1.8.4 of org.apache.felix.scr in my Karaf container (this is a MUST as some bundle has a filter to this version), when I try to put the two versions, my container NEVER CAME UP.
How can I debug this kind of behaviour ? can I get the osgi.extender capability from another place ?
Just a suggestion: It is know that Pax Runner doesn't work well with Felix.scr >= 2.0.0 and Karaf.
You should test updating your pax version to 4.11.0