I am trying to override default sendredirect funtionality in AEM.
I would like to redirect to https urls from my server.
FOr the same I have implemented a sling filter. Implemented SlingHttpServletResponseWrapper class and overridden sendredirect function.
However, in filter when I try to
final SlingHttpServletResponse slingResponse = (ModifyLocResponse) response;
At runtime I get
org.apache.sling.security.impl.ContentDispositionFilter$RewriterResponse cannot be cast to com.adobe.acs.samples.filters.wrappers.ModifyLocResponse
Instead of casting, try instantiating it by something like this:
final SlingHttpServletResponse slingResponse = new ModifyLocResponse(response);
Of course you'll need to make sure the constructor for that class has this pattern too:
class ModifyLocResponse extends SlingHttpServletResponseWrapper {
public ModifyLocResponse(SlingHttpServletResponse response) {