I've got marketplace models with fields:
class VacationEvent(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
process_fba = models.BooleanField(default=True)
def has_amazon_fba_vacation(self):
return hasattr(self, 'amazon_fba_vacation')
And in admin.py:
class FBAInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = AmazonFBAVacation
can_delete = False
verbose_name_plural = 'amazon fba vacation'
fk_name = 'event'
I need to display conditionally FBAInline class when creating\updating VacationEventAdmin. list_filter shows true\false values of "process_fba" field, so if it is true - FBAInline should be displayed:
class VacationEventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = []
list_display = ('id', 'user', 'holiday_name', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'process_fba', 'process_fbm', 'process_walmart', 'process_ebay')
list_filter = ['process_fba', 'process_fbm', 'process_walmart', 'process_ebay', 'status',]
search_fields = ['holiday_name', 'user__username']
# if VacationEvent.process_fba and VacationEvent.has_amazon_fba_vacation:
# inlines.append(FBAInline)
# try:
# getattr(VacationEvent, 'process_fba')
# except AttributeError:
# print "doesn't"
# else:
# inlines.append(FBAInline)
I tried getting attr but don't understant how to compare field values for admin. Thanks for any help.
Override get_formsets_with_inlines
get_formsets_with_inlines(self, request, obj=None):
for inline in self.get_inline_instances(request, obj):
if obj and obj.has_amazon_fba_vacation:
yield inline.get_formset(request, obj), inline