I have a question regarding node-red, before jumping on it. I find a big difficultly to get a home-automation tool such as node-red, to get working multiple raspberry pi nodes.
On the master I use django(brain)+angular(web-ui)+pigpio-library to interconnect the master pi with slaves.
Basically using pigpio I can send from the master turn-on
or turn-off
signals to slave without any other tool.
In node-red or home-assistant, both use mqqt to send or receive information regarding sensors or manipulate gpio`s.
Can I have with node-red a centralized interface installed ok master pi, and from there to act upon a gpio on slave pi?
thank you George
You can use the node-red-node-pi-gpiod node on a central Node-RED instance to control GPIO pins on remote pi's.
You just need to make sure that pigpiod is configured to listen on the external interface and that the firewall will not block access.