My Tabcontrol has 3 Tabpages. I am currently in Tabpage 1, when I would select Tabpage 2. I want to run a method in my UserControl assigned to that Tabpage. You could call this a "Focus" listener. How would I implement this? Or is this possible at all?
Lets say I have a file named "UserControl1.cs" In here there is a method OnFocus()
I would like to call this method when its Tabpage becomes the active tab. I am assigning the UserControl to the Tabpage like this:
// AllOpenUserControls = List<UserControl> // With the active pages
TabPage newPage = new TabPage();
newPage.Text = title;
newPage.AutoScroll = true;
newPage.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
Add the EventHandler
for SelectedIndexChanged
tabControl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(userControl.OnFocus);
Your OnFocus
-method should look like this:
public void OnFocus(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
TabControl tc = (TabControl)sender;
if (tc.SelectedTab == this.Parent)
//Parent-Tab is selected, do stuff...