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How to setup multiple Layouts in Zend Framework. Eg. Public/Logged in/Various combinations of modules

I know & used the very basic Zend Framework's Layouts where I used 1 layout throughout the whole site. But now I need a more intermediate/organized setup.

  • The public site layout will have the div#mainContent taking up the whole 12 columns (using 960gs)
  • The logged in site will have div#mainContent taking up 9 columns + side bar with 3 columns
  • In the sidebar of the logged in site, various pages may contain various modules (not Zend Framework's modules, more like "boxes/widgets")
  • They will have different nav menus too

I am thinking of using 1 base layout where the 2 sub layouts will "extend". The base layout will just contain the <html> declarations headScripts etc till the <body> then the sublayouts will contain definations for the wrapping divs div.grid_12, grid_9, grid_3. How can I implement this "extending", basically, I just want to reuse code

Also whats a good way to render sidebar boxes/widgets


  • I'm switching between layouts depending on the subdomain of my website.

    Here's the layout plugin I'm using...

    class App_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout extends Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout
        public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
            $layout = $this->getLayout();
            $filename = $layout->getLayoutPath() . '/' . $request->getModuleName() . '.' . $layout->getViewSuffix();
            //check if the layout template exists, if not use the default layout set in application.ini
            if (file_exists($filename))

    Of course you can modify this for your own needs.

    Make sure you set up you application.ini correctly too including elements like the following...

    resources.layout.layout = "default"
    resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH "/layouts/scripts"
    resources.layout.pluginClass = "App_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout"

    In my case I have:

    default.phtml, admin.phtml, clients.phtml

    I hope this helps...