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too many imports cause `pub serve` to hang

When I run pub -v serve web for my AngularDart app, pub always hangs here:

% pub -v serve web
FINE: Pub 1.25.0-dev.16.4
FINE: Loading asset environment...
FINE: Initializing barback...
FINE: Serving packages on localhost:0.
MSG : Loading source assets...
FINE: Providing sources for ordreset|lib.
FINE: Loading source assets finished (0.053s).
FINE: Provided sources.
FINE: Loading transformers...
FINE: Transformer dependencies:
    | angular: -
    | test/pub_serve: -
    | dart_to_js_script_rewriter: -
FINE: Using cached transformer snapshot.
MSG : Loading angular, test/pub_serve and dart_to_js_script_rewriter transformers...
FINE: Loading transformers from [angular, test/pub_serve, dart_to_js_script_rewriter]
FINE: Spawning isolate from ./.pub/transformers/transformers.snapshot.
FINE: Loading angular, test/pub_serve and dart_to_js_script_rewriter transformers finished (0.151s).
FINE: Transformers from angular: {group of [[BuilderTransformer: Instance of 'TemplatePlaceholderBuilder'], [ReflectionRemover], [StylesheetCompiler, BuilderTransformer: Instance of 'LibraryBuilder']]}
FINE: Transformers from test/pub_serve: {PubServe}
FINE: Transformers from dart_to_js_script_rewriter: {DartToJsScriptRewriter}
FINE: Loading transformers finished (0.649s).
FINE: Initializing barback finished (0.763s).
FINE: Loading asset environment finished (1.062s).
FINE: Providing sources for ordreset|web.
FINE: Bound "web" to localhost:8080.
MSG : Serving ordreset web on http://localhost:8080
FINE: [Fine from StylesheetCompiler]:
    | [processStylesheet] took 50 ms on ordreset|lib/src/dashboard_component.css
FINE: [Fine from StylesheetCompiler on ordreset|lib/src/dashboard_component.css]:
    | Took 0.2s (0.0s awaiting secondary inputs).
FINE: [Fine from StylesheetCompiler]:
    | [processStylesheet] took 30 ms on ordreset|web/main.css
FINE: [Fine from StylesheetCompiler on ordreset|web/main.css]:
    | Took 0.2s (0.0s awaiting secondary inputs).
FINE: [Fine from BuilderTransformer: Instance of 'TemplatePlaceholderBuilder' on ordreset|primary]:
    | Took 0.4s (0.0s awaiting secondary inputs).
FINE: [Fine from BuilderTransformer: Instance of 'LibraryBuilder' on ordreset|primary]:
    | Not yet complete after 10.0s
FINE: [Fine from BuilderTransformer: Instance of 'LibraryBuilder' on ordreset|primary]:
    | Not yet complete after 20.0s

I noticed that when removing all import 'package:xml/xml.dart' as xml; statements, that pub serve doesn't hang anymore then. But I did observe the same behaviour in the past, that removing all import 'package:angular_components/angular_components.dart'; fixed the problem as well. Hence I actually doubt that it's a problem with either the xml or the angular_components package but that the problem might be related to an import limitation of source_gen, similar to this issue from the past.

I've uploaded my AngularDart project here. You can run pub get and then pub -v serve web yourself to see how pub hangs.

PS: I've emptied all AngularDart HTML template files before pushing the code to the public GitHub repo for privacy reasons but that shouldn't change the fact that pub serve should still succeed.


  • As @GünterZöchbauer pointed out in a comment of his answer, following the steps below solves the problem:

    1. Remove .pub in your project folder.
    2. Run pub get --no-precompile instead of a regular pub get to prevent precompiling which seems to cause the problem.
    3. Now run pub serve as usual.