Hy i am just developing and energy profiling application for which i need to have current energy of battery in nanowatt-hours. I have tried using Battery Manager API but the problem with it is that it requires a certain micro-chip called fuel-gauge to get these values. My question is that is there any other way of getting current energy of battery without using fuel gauge? Also i have managed to get current capacity of battery in percentage using BatteryManager API which means that my code is working fine.
I have solution for your problem, use this code:
BatteryManager bm = (BatteryManager)getSystemService(BATTERY_SERVICE);
int batLevel = bm.getIntProperty(BatteryManager.BATTERY_PROPERTY_CAPACITY);
double capacity = getBatteryCapacity(this);
double remaining = (capacity*batLevel)/100;
Log.d("Capapcity Remaining",remaining+" ");
and getBatteryCapacity() implementation is here.
public double getBatteryCapacity(Context context) {
Object mPowerProfile;
double batteryCapacity = 0;
final String POWER_PROFILE_CLASS = "com.android.internal.os.PowerProfile";
try {
mPowerProfile = Class.forName(POWER_PROFILE_CLASS)
batteryCapacity = (double) Class
} catch (Exception e) {
return batteryCapacity;
Note: it will not give exact result, but will provide appropriate result for your need.