I am writing a function which computes the weights for the barycentric interpolation formula. Ignoring type stability, that's easy enough:
function baryweights(x)
n = length(x)
if n == 1; return [1.0]; end # This is obviously not type stable
xmin,xmax = extrema(x)
x *= 4/(xmax-xmin)
# ^ Multiply by capacity of interval to avoid overflow
return [
1/prod(x[i]-x[j] for j in 1:n if j != i)
for i = 1:n
The problem for type stability is to work out the return type of the n > 1
case so I can return an array of the correct type in the n == 1
case. Is there an easy trick to achieve this?
Simply call the function recursively on a dummy argument:
function baryweights(x)
n = length(x)
if n == 1
T = eltype(baryweights(zeros(eltype(x),2)))
return [one(T)]
xmin,xmax = extrema(x)
let x = 4/(xmax-xmin) * x
# ^ Multiply by capacity of interval to avoid overflow,
# and wrap in let to avoid another source of type instability
# (https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/15276)
return [
1/prod(x[i]-x[j] for j in 1:n if j != i)
for i = 1:n