I've read the documentations that other stackoverflow posts provided, but I couldn't understand what they are saying.
Here is what I want to achieve: I want to navigate to a specific directory that contains a specific executable file, and insert a command line.
.\> cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin> mongoimport -h <IP_ADDRESS> -d <DB> -c <COLLECTION> -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> --drop --file C:\data.txt
I need a code will perform the two lines of code above inside Python. In .\3.4\bin directory, there is an executable file called 'mongoimport.exe'. And on the SAME LINE, I need to insert additional sentences to specify the external server I want to access.
How can this be done?
You can use subprocess
from subprocess import run
run(["C:\\Program Files\\MongoDB\\Server\\3.4\\bin\\mongoimport.exe", "-h", "<IP_ADDRESS>", "-d", "<DB>", "-c", "<COLLECTION>", "-u", "<USER>", "-p", "<PASSWORD>", "--drop", "--file", "C:\data.txt" ])
It will execute only exe file, if for example you need execute a python file add the executable:
run(["python.exe", "your_python_file"])