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How to solve AmbiguousColumn error in postgresql with ruby project

I would like to join two query result. First one is

When I convert result to json I get this result

Second is.

Slot.where(status:"available").where(Sequel.lit('("from" > ?) AND ("to" < ?)', fromdate, todate))
when I convert result to json I get this result

What I want is to inner join to result so I hope to get this result(I abbreviated some non related snippet)


What I have tried is

Gig.where(id:gigsInRadioIDS).as(:tb_gig).join(Slot.where(status:"available").where(Sequel.lit('("from" > ?) AND ("to" < ?)', fromdate, todate)), gig_id: :id)

And I got this error

Sequel::DatabaseError - PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR:  column reference "id" is ambiguous
LINE 1: ...) AS "t1" ON ("t1"."gig_id" = "gigs"."id") WHERE ("id" IN (2...

Thanks for reading this complex code. Any news will be big help. Thanks.


  • There are a bunch of ways to approach it. It looks like you are querying Slots with some Gigs data mixed in, so you may want to start with your Slot model. The regular join syntax is a little easier to understand and makes it easier to select columns from both tables (i.e. instead of WHERE fk IN (..)). As a bonus, you can mix your gig_id filter into the JOIN clause. Finally, you don't need to use Sequel.lit to do greater than / less than in your WHERE clause, and you should be explicit about the columns you want to select.

    Here's how I would write it:

    Slot.join(:gigs, [[:id, :gig_id], [:id, gigsInRadioIDS]])
      .where(status: 'available') { (from() > fromdate) & (to() < todate) }
      .select(Sequel[:slots][:id].as(:slot_id), :status, :gig_id, :address)

    Getting .all of the records and outputting JSON should yield something like:


    Note the Sequel[:table_name][:column_name] syntax. This is the new style of fully-qualifying identifiers in Sequel 4.49+. (In past versions of Sequel, it would have been written like :table_name__column_name, but that syntax is now deprecated.)