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Purescript Halogen Component, Input vs State

I want to make a Halogen Component where the component's input differs from its state. According to the guide for Halogen ( this should be possible. I changed the example from the guide as follows

import Prelude
import Data.Int (decimal, toStringAs)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HHE

type Input = Int

type State = String

data Query a = HandleInput Input a

component :: forall m. H.Component HH.HTML Query Input Void m
component =
    { initialState: id
    , render
    , eval
    , receiver: HHE.input HandleInput

  render :: State -> H.ComponentHTML Query
  render state =
      [ HH.text "My input value is:"
      , HH.strong_ [ HH.text (show state) ]

  eval :: Query ~> H.ComponentDSL State Query Void m
  eval = case _ of
    HandleInput n next -> do
      oldN <- H.get
      when (oldN /= (toStringAs decimal n)) $ H.put $ toStringAs decimal n
      pure next

But then I get a compile error at the line with , receiver: HHE.input HandleInput

Could not match type


with type


What am I doing wrong here?


  • The initialState is computed using the input value, and in the code you pasted it's implemented as id, so it's trying to force the input and state types to match.