Recently I had to move from a computing cluster with LSF (bsub) to one that uses Torque (qsub).
On the prevous cluster I was able to check my jobs on the fly with the bpeek
On the new cluster this command is not available (neither qpeek
). In the PBS documentation I see that the -k
parameter allows to retain the output on the execution host (link). The problem here is the name of the log file cannot be defined by the user (using for example the -o
parameter) so a new file is created everytime I submit a job.
Is there a way to define the name of the log file and still keep the -k
Sorry, you're out of luck. Even the documentation for the current version states that this option overrides the path name for the given stream/s. However, it IS open source, so I'm sure they'd accept a pull request. :-)