Suppose we represent a company hierarchy in the following way:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Aliases
import Data.Generics.Schemes
data CompanyAsset = Employee Name Salary
| Plant Name
| Boss Name Performance Salary [CompanyAsset]
| Pet Name
| Car Id
| Guild [CompanyAsset]
| Fork CompanyAsset CompanyAsset
-- ... and imagine 100 more options that recursively use `CompanyAsset`.
deriving (Show, Data)
-- Performance of the department.
data Performance = Good | Bad deriving (Show, Data)
type Name = String
type Id = Int
newtype Salary = Salary Double deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
raise :: Salary -> Salary
And I would like to defne a function that raises the salaries of company assets that do not have a Boss
ancestor whose department had a Bad
performance. Such a function can be easily defined as follows:
raiseSalaries :: CompanyAsset -> CompanyAsset
raiseSalaries (Boss n Good s as) = Boss n Good (raise s) (raiseSalaries <$> as)
raiseSalaries a@(Boss _ Bad _ _) = a -- The salaries of everything below are not raised if the performance is 'Bad'
raiseSalaries ... -- and from here onwards we have **boilerplate**!
The problem is that this requires a lot of boilerplate (for the sake of the discussion, please assume that the CompanyAsset
is given and cannot be changed).
So my question is whether there is a way of traversing data structures in such a way that the boilerplate above can be avoided.
This question is related to a similar one I posted, but in this case the use of everywhere'
won't help, since there are cases in which salaries should not be raised.
This can be accomplished with a Traversal
for CompanyAsset
. You can write it yourself, or use uniplate
or plate
from lens.
For illustration, I'm going to write a traversal for CompanyAsset
explicitly. It applies an operation (which I call p
as in pure
) to each direct descendant of a company asset. Note that traverse_ca pure == pure
traverse_ca :: Applicative f => (CompanyAsset -> f CompanyAsset) -> CompanyAsset -> f CompanyAsset
traverse_ca p ca =
case ca of
Fork ca1 ca2 -> Fork <$> p ca1 <*> p ca2
Boss n perf s cas -> Boss n perf s <$> traverse p cas
Guild cas -> Guild <$> traverse p cas
otherwise -> pure ca
By itself this is enough to define raiseSalaries
without any additional boilerplate.
import Data.Functor.Identity
raiseSalaries :: CompanyAsset -> CompanyAsset
raiseSalaries (Boss n Good s as) = Boss n Good (raise s) (raiseSalaries <$> as)
raiseSalaries a@(Boss _ Bad _ _) = a -- The salaries of everything below are not raised if the performance is 'Bad'
raiseSalaries a = runIdentity $ traverse_ca (pure . raiseSalaries) a