qfarm /load
command shows me the load from my servers.
PS> qfarm /load
Server Name Server Load Load Throttling Load Logon Mode
-------------------- ----------- -------------------- ------------------
SERVER-01 400 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-02 1364 OFF AllowLogons
SERVER-03 1364 OFF AllowLogons
SERVER-04 1000 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-05 700 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-06 1200 0 AllowLogons
I need to display only first column (Server Name) and the second one (Server Load) and loop through them, in order to make some logic later, but it seems the powershell doesn't see it as object with properties:
PS> qfarm /load | Select -ExpandProperty "Server Name"
Select-Object : Property "Server Name" cannot be found.
Is there any other possibility, like a table or something?
One way to do this is to build objects out of the command's output. Tested the following:
#requires -version 3
# sample data output from command
$sampleData = @"
Server Name Server Load Load Throttling Load Logon Mode
-------------------- ----------- -------------------- ------------------
SERVER-01 400 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-02 1364 OFF AllowLogons
SERVER-03 1364 OFF AllowLogons
SERVER-04 1000 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-05 700 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-06 1200 0 AllowLogons
"@ -split "`n"
$sampleData | Select-Object -Skip 2 | ForEach-Object {
$len = $_.Length
[PSCustomObject] @{
"ServerName" = $_.Substring(0, 22).Trim()
"ServerLoad" = $_.Substring(22, 13).Trim() -as [Int]
"LoadThrottlingLoad" = $_.Substring(35, 22).Trim()
"LogonMode" = $_.Substring(57, $len - 57).Trim()
In your case, you should be able to replace $sampleData
with your qfarm load
command; e.g.:
qfarm /load | Select-Object -Skip 2 | ForEach-Object {
Of course, this is assuming no blank lines in the output and that my column positions for the start of each item is correct.
PowerShell version 2 equivalent:
#requires -version 2
function Out-Object {
[Collections.Hashtable[]] $hashData
$order = @()
$result = @{}
$hashData | ForEach-Object {
$order += ($_.Keys -as [Array])[0]
$result += $_
New-Object PSObject -Property $result | Select-Object $order
# sample data output from command
$sampleData = @"
Server Name Server Load Load Throttling Load Logon Mode
-------------------- ----------- -------------------- ------------------
SERVER-01 400 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-02 1364 OFF AllowLogons
SERVER-03 1364 OFF AllowLogons
SERVER-04 1000 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-05 700 0 AllowLogons
SERVER-06 1200 0 AllowLogons
"@ -split "`n"
$sampleData | Select-Object -Skip 2 | ForEach-Object {
$len = $_.Length
Out-Object `
@{"ServerName" = $_.Substring(0, 22).Trim()},
@{"ServerLoad" = $_.Substring(22, 13).Trim() -as [Int]},
@{"LoadThrottlingLoad" = $_.Substring(35, 22).Trim()},
@{"LogonMode" = $_.Substring(57, $len - 57).Trim()}