I am currently evaluating Kumuluzee vs Wildfly Swarm vs OpenLiberty. I have some questions:
Does OpenLiberty have Gradle samples/plugin in addition to the maven one.
Is it possible/documented how to extend OL itself with libraries, rather than putting them in web-inf/lib. (Skinny wars ). If possible, are such jars excluded from redeployment scans (faster dev cycles)?
In many cases one wants to deploy several wars in single jvm (anti-microservice). Can several web applications can you enumerate in the server.xml file?
The MicroProfile Showcase Application has been updated so that you can build with Maven or Gradle. https://github.com/OpenLiberty/sample-mpconf
Quite a few of the samples in https://github.com/WASdev/ were updated in October to show using Gradle. They do not use the Open Liberty runtime maven coordinates but many of them could.