I am using chef scripts to install mongo, configure the replication and run some db initialize scripts (load("initializeScript.js"))
Mongo gets installed without any issue now but for configuring the replica members I need open mongo shell and run commands like:
rs.initiate() and rs.add("SERVER DETAILS")
I am trying to do it this way
mongo_shell_command = 'mongo -ssl --sslPEMKeyFile ' +node['mongo']['ssl']['dir'] +node['hostname'] + '.pem --sslCAFile ' + node['mongo']['ssl']['dir'] + node['mongo']['cert'] + ' --sslAllowInvalidHostnames'
execute 'mongo_shell' do
command mongo_shell_command
execute 'mongo_replicaSet' do
command "mongo --eval rs.execute()"
only_if { ::File.exist?(node['mongo']['config']) }
execute 'initialize_db' do
command "mongo --eval \"load(\"initializeScript.js\")\""
cwd node['mongo']['script']['dir']
But this fails.
Is there any other way to open mongo shell using chef and execute these commands
After some R & D, I figured the way to do so.