As shown in the following screenshot:
Although the device language has been set to Arabic (you could recognize it by checking the status bar and the activity view controller title). However, the cancel button still has the "Cancel" title; Since we are unable to change its title, I assume it should automatically changed depends on the device language -which is Arabic in my case- (to be localized), as mentioned in the this answer.
What am I missing here?
I found a solution which worked for me with my device language set to Arabic.
Go to your Info.plist
and add Localized resources can be mixed
with Boolean YES
to it.
As mentioned in Core Foundation Keys:
CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations (Boolean - iOS, macOS) specifies whether the bundle supports the retrieval of localized strings from frameworks. This key is used primarily by Foundation tools that link to other system frameworks and want to retrieve localized resources from those frameworks.