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Reader is empty

I have a data reader that gets empty results but I don't get why?

My connection state is open, i tested my query in my DB, it returns values but there my just get skipped

OdbcDataReader Reader;
string mond = "select fir_mdnt from safir JOIN safirbpv ON firbpv_fir = fir_fir where firbpv_ibnr = '" + _cb_Compte.SelectedItem + "' group by fir_mdnt;";
OdbcCommand mondant = new OdbcCommand(mond, InfoConnexion);

Reader = mondant.ExecuteReader();
while (Reader.Read())


  • Please, brush up the routine and put a break point on using (OdbcDataReader reader = mondant.ExecuteReader()) {

    The code cleared

    //DONE: make SQL readable
    //DONE: make SQL parametrized (ODBC doesn't support named parameters, but ?)
    string sql = 
        @"select fir_mdnt 
            from safir join 
                 safirbpv on firbpv_fir = fir_fir 
           where firbpv_ibnr = ?
        group by fir_mdnt";
    //DONE: wrap IDisposable into using
    //DONE: do not share the connection but create a new one
    using (OdbcConnection con = new OdbcConnection(connectionStringHere)) {
      //DONE: wrap IDisposable into using
      using(OdbcCommand mondant = new OdbcCommand(sql, con)) {
        //TODO: check the actual parameter type and value
        //TODO: you may want to add Trim: _cb_Compte.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim() 
        mondant.Parameters.Add(new OdbcParameter("", OdbcType.Text) 
          {Value = _cb_Compte.SelectedItem}); 
        //DONE: wrap IDisposable into using
        //TODO: put a break point here
        using (OdbcDataReader reader = mondant.ExecuteReader()) {
          while (reader.Read()) {

    Then you have to debug

    • Run the code.
    • Stop on the break point.
    • Check sql, parameter (its value).
    • Check reader.HasRows value.
    • Execute the query at any kind of RDMBS editor: do you have any records returned?