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How do I install all packages that are included in Anaconda?

I'm attending a course which advises us to use anaconda. Because of this, there is no requirements.txt, but rather only packages included in anaconda are required.

Since I already have a python environment set up, I dont want to install another python. Is there a requirements.txt that installs all packages from anaconda?


  • Check when you select the desired python version and target OS and architecture you will see all available packages and there is a column with the packages that are included by default in the anaconda installer.

    For example python 2.7 win 64bits

    You could make a python script to check for <i class="fa fa-check"></i> and make a txt of the default packages.

    EDIT: Adding another way I suggested in comments below.

    Alternative method: Using online regex web services

    Step 1: copy the html table removing for simpler regex the unnecesary tags and keeping the tr td tags like so

    <tr> <td><a href="">_nb_ext_conf</a></td> <td>0.4.0</td> <td>A configuration metapackage for enabling Anaconda-bundled jupyter extensions / BSD</td> <td></td> </tr>

    Step 2: Paste it into a regex web like regexr and craft your regex, I managed to come up real quick with this one: <td><a.+">(.+)<\/a><\/td>\s+<td>.+<\/td>\s+<td>.+<\/td>\s+<td><i.+check.+<\/td> im pretty sure it can be improved but works.

    Step 3: get your list by specifying how you want to output your capture group: $1 \n $1 is your capture group and \n is newline, so you would get a list of packages like so:

    alabaster anaconda-client anaconda-navigator anaconda-project asn1crypto astroid astropy babel