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Github Login with Graphcool

I am attempting to implement a GitHub Login with GraphCool. So far:


  1. I've run: graphcool add-template auth/github
  2. I uncommented the links in the graphcool.yml and typs.graphql files
  3. I setup a GitHub OAuth app
  4. I added my client name and secret to local environment variables.
  5. I ran graphcool deploy


Under functions it says I have loggedInUser and githubAuthentication. I also seem to have a githubUserId added to createUser


From here I am stuck. I'm not sure what to do. I am not sure where to obtain a github code. I've implemented OAuth with Github before directly via their API and with Firebase. I have the following questions:

  1. In Github, what should I set the Authorization callback URL? Doesn't that need to point to graphcool?

  2. How does the OAuth pop-up window get launched so I can approve my app?

  3. How do I obtain Github user data like displayName and photoUrl. Can I add that data to a new user when createUser is ran?

I have modified the username password template to createUsers with additional fields in the past. I know I have to modify the types and .ts files in the template. It seems like I may be able to obtain specific user details around line 29 in the githubAuthentication.ts file:

const graphcool = fromEvent(event)
const api = graphcool.api('simple/v1')
const { githubCode } =
const githubToken: string = await getGithubToken(githubCode)
const githubUser = await getGithubUser(githubToken)
const user: User = await getGraphcoolUser(api,
  .then(r => r.User)
let userId: string | null = null


  • I am not sure where to obtain a github code.

    Short Answer: in whichever way you would normally obtain a Github code.

    Long Answer:

    You can follow this guide to see how to authorize against a Github OAuth app:

    Or, follow the instructions from the template

    Obtaining a test code

    First, update the configuration of the OAuth app on Github you just created:

    This being index.html:

        // Github client id
        const client_id = '__CLIENT_ID__'
        // Will extract code from current url
        const githubCode ='&')[0].split('code=')[1]
        if (githubCode) {
          // call Graphcool authenticateGithubUser mutation
        function getgithubCode() {
          window.location = `${client_id}&scope=user`
      <button onclick="getgithubCode();">Authenticate with Github</button>