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Squeak Smalltalk -"Print specific integers" Error message, how to improve and why?

what I want is: From integers 1 to 130, I want to print some specific integers already given in an array. They are: 2 32 44 67 89 111 123 which are stored in small-to-big order.

Here's my codes:

|a n myArray| 

myArray := #(2 32 44 67 89 111 123). 

n := 1. 
a := myArray at: n. 

1 to: 130 do: [:i| 
        i = a 
        ifTrue: [ 
                Transcript show: i; cr. 
                n := n + 1. 
                a := myArray at: n. 

The output is very good except for an Error Message.

enter image description here

By my current level, I have no idea why that Error Message appears.

Q1: Why Error Message appears ?

Q2: How can I improve that?


I found another way to solve this issue:


myArray := #(2 32 44 67 89 111 123).

n := 1.
a := myArray at: n.

1 to: 130 do: [:i|
    i = a      
    ifTrue: [
        Transcript show: i; cr.
        n := n +1.

        n = 8
        ifTrue: [n := n - 1].

         a := myArray at: n.

Looks ugly though.

Updated again:

|a n myArray| 

myArray := #(2 32 44 67 89 111 123). 

n := 1. 
a := myArray at: n. 

1 to: 130 do: [:i| 
        i = a 
        ifTrue: [ 
                Transcript show: i; cr. 
                n := n + 1. 

                (n = 8) ifTrue:  [^'Found it!'].

                a := myArray at: n. 


  • From integers 1 to 130, I want to print some specific integers already given in an array

    1 to: 130 do: [ :i | 
        (array includes: i) ifTrue: [ Transcript show: i; cr. ] ]