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change things from a required lua file, corona sdk

When I require a file1, I can export the values, data or objects to file2, but file2 can't export to file1

(With "file" I mean a lua file, example, Scene1.lua, Data.lua)

How can I export from file2 to file1 and viceversa?

example code

Data.lua (file1)


local M = {}

local money = 500
local moneyText = display.newText("Money: " .. money, 
display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, "calibri", 50)

M.moneyText = moneyText
M.moneyData = money

return M



local Data = require("data")

local moneyText2 = Data.moneyText
local moneyData = Data.moneyData

local function addSomeValue()
moneyData = moneyData + 1

timer.performWithDelay(1000, addSomeValue, 0)


  • local Data = require("data")

    is more or less equivalent to

    function chunkFromDataLua()
      local M = {}
      local money = 500
      local moneyText = display.newText("Money: " .. money, 
      display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, "calibri", 50)
      M.moneyText = moneyText
      M.moneyData = money
      return M
    local Data = chunkFromDataLua()

    Data now refers to table M

    local money = 500
    M.moneyData = money

    only creates a copy of money and stores that in M. So changing M.moneyData will not affect money. Hence changing Data.moneyData will also not affect money.

    In addition to that

    local moneyText = display.newText("Money: " .. money, 
      display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, "calibri", 50)

    creates a display object with a static text using the value of money at that moment. So changing the value of money after that won't change the content of your text display. You have to change Data.moneyText.text to do that.