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Motodev / Eclipse freezes up for several seconds when autofill tooltip proprosal pops up

I recently installed a fresh copy of Motodev. When I type the name of object and a period after it a popup comes up with a list of all of the methods available to that object. Ever since I started using this new copy of Motodev if I have an object with a very large amount of available methods this process freezes the whole program for several seconds. RelativeLayout and EditText are the two that I have personally noticed that this is a problem with, but I suspect any object that has a large number of methods will cause this. It was never a problem before. Has anyone else seen this issue and if so how did you fix it? I do like having the list pop up so that I can see all of the methods available to me so I'd like to leave that feature turned on if at all possible.


  • Looks like you figured this out already, but I'll say it for future readers. There is an update to MOTODEV Studio specifically to work with ADT 8.0.1. There were some API changes in ADT that required us to update Studio also. ADT 8.0.1 requires Studio 2.0.1, which is based on Eclipse Helios. There are installers on the MOTODEV site as well as an updater for Eclipse.

    Because of the complexity of dependencies with all the Eclipse plugins, I suggest to download the .zip archive at MOTODEV rather than using the "Install Updates" method. I find that I get timeouts quite often at home on broadband that don't happen at work with a bigger pipe.

    Also, Studio 2.1 will be available some time within the next week (~Jan 25) and will work with the 2.3 SDK and ADT 8.0.1.

    UPDATE: 2/14/11 - It would appear that the correct answer is found at comment #8 in this link:

    Tim will need to formally accept this answer at some point...

    Which is as follows:

    For those of you with this problem, here's what you can do until the fix is publicly available:
    1. Download<branch>.tar.gz where is one of those listed here (froyo-release for 2.2, the file is about 113MB):
    2. Extract the contents of base/ in the tar into "/platforms/android-/sources" where is 8 for froyo, 7 for eclair, etc.
    3. Enjoy fast content assist in 3.6!