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Grails 3 - documenting spring security rest's login api in swagger

I am developing demo REST Demo using Grails 3 with service Spring Security REST and Swagger Documentation. Following are the dependencies for spring security rest



where user has to login in order to to perform certain subset of operations. After adding Swagger Doc using following plugin and configuring to access all the expoosed APIs I am able to access all API's swagger doc with "localhost://applicationPath/api"


Unfortunately I don't have login endpoints listed among them. If I add my LoginController along with the apis endpoints controller than it is listing all the login apis but than access url becomes


Which does not works well.

The problem is that part of that operations cannot be performed via Swagger UI built-in form (I find it really nice feature and would like make it work), because user is not logged in. Is there any solution to that problem? Can I define manually some endpoints in Swagger?

This is my sample code for registring any API with Swagger

        value = 'Sample',
        description = 'Sample APIs.',
        position = 0,
        produces = 'application/json',
        consumes = 'application/json',
        basePath = 'v1',
        protocols = 'http, https',
        hidden = false
class SampleController {
            value = 'Sample API',
            notes = '',
            response = Sample,
            responseContainer = 'Array',
            position = 0,
            httpMethod = 'GET',
            produces = 'application/json',
            consumes = 'application/json',
            protocols = 'http, https',
            hidden = false
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = 'max', value = 'Max records to return', defaultValue = '10', paramType = 'query', dataType = 'int', required = false, allowMultiple = false)
            @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "", response = Sample),
    def sampleAPI() {

If Anybody can help on it, it would be great help.


  • I created an API which calls "api/login" to have authentication