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Keras: Merge/Concatenate Layer: TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'axis'

I created the following network. The idea is to combine the outputs of the left and right, then send to a LSTM model.

look_back = 6
feature_num = 2

left = Sequential()

right = Sequential()
right.add(Lambda(lambda x: x,input_shape=(look_back,feature_num)))

# create and fit the LSTM network
model = Sequential()
model.add(Concatenate([left, right], axis = 2,input_shape=(look_back, EMBED_DIM + feature_num) ))
model.add(LSTM(8, input_shape=(look_back,feature_num + EMBED_DIM)))

model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')

I am trying to concatenate the output from left and right, then send the new tensor to the LSTM model.

However, I got the following error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-156-275f5597cdad> in <module>()

---> 37 model.add(Concatenate([left, right], axis = 2,input_shape=(look_back, EMBED_DIM + feature_num) ))
     38 model.add(LSTM(8, input_shape=(look_back,feature_num + EMBED_DIM)))

TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'axis'

Any idea what I did wrong? Can I add a Concatenate layer as the first layer of a model? Thanks!


  • Sequential models are not meant to have branches. Use the functional API model.

    Let's get the "tensors" from the left and right side:

    leftOutput = left.output    
    rightOutput = right.output

    Now, the Concatenate is a layer that follows the same logic of all other layers. (First you create it, then you call it with the input tensors):

    #first parentheses: create the layer / second parentheses: call the layer with inputs
    output = Concatenate(axis=2)([leftOutput,rightOutput])

    Let's keep the rest of the model as a functional API as well:

    output = LSTM(8)(output)
    output = Dense(2)(output)

    Now we create the model, telling it what the inputs and outputs are:

    inputTensorLeft = left.input
    inputTensorRight = right.input    
    fullModel = Model([inputTensorLeft,inputTensorRight], output)

    Notice you ended up with three models, but one of them contains the other two. They share the same weights. Training one will train the others if you're training a shared path.