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python3/contextlib: Converting @contextlib.contextmanager to acquire/release?

I'm using some 3rd-party code which enables locking via routines that are decorated with @contextlib.contextmanager. I'm also using large python3 code base in which we can plug in different locking software, as long as I am able to implement acquire and release methods.

I'm trying to use the 3rd-party code (without knowing how it's written) within this software structure.

To clarify what I'm looking for, suppose that one of the 3rd-party lock routines is written as a standard @contextlib.contextmanager generator, like this:

def lock(arg0, arg1):
        # This section of code corresponds to `acquire`.
        # Acquire a lock called 'lock', and then ...
        yield lock
        # This section of code coresponds to `release`.
        # Do cleanup.

It would normally be used like this ...

with, arg1):
    # Do stuff in this critical section

But as I mentioned above, I want to write a class that has an acquire method and a release method which make use of, and I'd like to do it via the existing module, without rewriting it.

In other words, I want to write a class which looks like this ...

class LockWrapper(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # initialization

    def acquire(self):
        # Use to obtain a lock.
        # ??? ??? ???

    def release(self):
        # I don't know what to do here. There is no yield
        # in the `finally` section of a normal
        # @contextlib.contextmanager decorated method/
        # ??? ??? ???

As I stated in the comments of my sample code, I don't see how to make acquire and release do anything meaningful.

It looks like I would have to steal code from the original module in order to accomplish this, but I'm hoping that I'm overlooking a way to do this without having to know anything about this 3rd-party code.

Am I out of luck?

Thank you very much.


  • OK, I figured it out. My answer is based on some of the code here:

    The key is this enter_context helper function, which digs into the structure of the context manager. It's similar to a function by the same name at that site ...

    def enter_context(func, *args, **kwargs):
        def _acquire():
            with func(*args, **kwargs) as f:
                yield f
        acquire_gen = _acquire()
        def release_func():
            except StopIteration:
        return acquire_gen, release_func

    The following class implements acquire and release for any contextmanager function which is passed to the constructor. I encapsulate enter_context within this class ...

    class ContextWrapper(object):
        def enter_context(func, *args, **kwargs):
            def _acquire():
                with func(*args, **kwargs) as f:
                    yield f
            acquire_gen = _acquire()
            def release_func():
                except StopIteration:
            return acquire_gen, release_func
        def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
            self._acq, self._rel = self.__class__.enter_context(func, *args, **kwargs)
        def acquire(self):
            return True
        def release(self):
        # Traditional Dijkstra names.
        P = acquire
        V = release

    Then, I can create my wrapper around as follows ...

    mylocker = ContextWrapper(, arg0, arg1)

    ... and I can call acquire and release as follows ...

    # or mylocker.P()
    # or mylocker.V()

    Here's another example of how to use this class ...

    class ThirdPartyLockClass(ContextWrapper):
        def __init__(self, arg0, arg1):
            # do any initialization
            super().__init__(, arg0, arg1)
        # Implementing the following methods is optional.
        # This is only needed if this class intends to do more
        # than the wrapped class during `acquire` or `release`,
        # such as logging, etc.
        def acquire(self):
            # do whatever
            rc = super().acquire()
            # maybe to other stuff
            return rc
        def release(self):
            # do whatever
            # maybe do other stuff
        P = acquire
        V = release
    mylocker = ThirdPartyLockClass(arg0, arg1)
    # or mylocker.P()
    # or mylocker.V()

    ... or I can even do the following in the simple case where no extra functionality is added to the third party lock class ...

    class GenericLocker(ContextWrapper):
        def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(func, *args, **kwargs)
    mylocker = GenericLocker(, arg0, arg1)
    # or mylocker.P()
    # or mylocker.V()