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Sum of dot products

How to transform 100 of 8 element vectors into 10 16 element vectors using 1000 different (8,16) weight matrices? Each of the 10 output vectors is a sum of 100 dot products:

A = np.random.randn(100,8)
W = np.random.randn(1000,8,16)
B = []

for i in range(10):
  sum = np.zeros((1,16))
  for j in range(100):
    sum +=[j], W[i*100+j])   
B = np.asarray(B)     #B.shape=(10,16)

Is there a function in Numpy or TensorFlow for that? I looked at dot, tensordot, einsum, and matmul in Numpy, and I'm still not sure which one is the right option.

EDIT: I just realized that I actually want to produce an intermediate result before summing dot products: (100,8)x(10,100,8,16) -> (10,100,16).

I'm guessing this could be done with reshaping (100,8) to (1,100,1,8) and (1000,8,16) to (10,100,8,16), and doing np.einsum('ijkl,ijlm->ijm', A, B) But I'm not sure if it will broadcast 1 to 10 correctly.

Per @Divakar comment, np.einsum('jk,ijkl->ijl', V, W.reshape(10,100,8,16)) does the trick.


  • In one line, it's

    B1 = np.einsum('ij,ikjl', A, np.reshape(W, (100, 10, 8, 16), order='F'))

    Test it with np.allclose(B.squeeze(), B1) where you need .squeeze because your B has an extra dimension of size 1.

    Explanation: your W has ugly shape, its first dimension of size 1000 should really be separated in 10 blocks of size 100 (as you in effect do with index manipulation in a loop). This is what reshape is for. The Fortran-style order is needed because we want to take out elements of W by changing the first index the fastest.

    After that it's straightforward Einstein summation: over j to have matrix multiplication, over i to add 100 results.