i have a problem with script.
At my work i often have to check PTR of domain, MX records and similar data. I did the most of the script, but the problem appears when i do something like
this is subdomain
this is domain but second level?
Now in my script there is something like: if i don't put www, it adds and does
dig www.e-learning.go4progress.pl
dig e-learning.go4progress.pl
dig go4progress.pl
he counts dots and subtracts 1, but problem is when domain looks like
because script make dig too for
I don't check many domain which contains com.pl, co.uk, gov.pl. I've got an idea to make array and compare this what i put in script with array, when it finds in string component of array he subtracts 2 instead 1 ;) I paste a part of script to better understand me why he substracks 1.
url="`echo $1 | sed 's~http[s]*://~~g' | sed 's./$..' | awk '!/^www/ {$0="www." $0}1'`"
dots="`echo $url | grep -o "\." | wc -l`"
while [ $ii -le $dots] ; do
cut="`echo $url | cut -d "." -f$ii-9`"
ip="`dig +short $cut`"
host="`dig -x $ip +short`"
if [[ -z "$host" ]]; then
host="No PTR"
echo "strona: $cut Host: $host"
ii=$[ii + 1]
Maybe you have diffrent idea how to help with my problem.
Second question is how to distinguish subdomain from domain.
I need compare mx records of subdomain(when the url contains subdomain) and mx records top level domain.
I waiting for your response ;)
My solution to find the domain as registered with the registrar:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gavingmiller/second-level-domains/master/SLDs.csv
TWOLEVELS=$( /bin/echo "${DOMAIN}" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut -d "." --output-delimiter=".\\" -f 1-2 | /usr/bin/rev );
if /bin/grep -P ",\.${TWOLEVELS}" SLDs.csv >/dev/null; then
DOMAIN=$( /bin/echo "${DOMAIN}" | /usr/bin/rev | /usr/bin/cut -d "." -f "1-${KEEPPARTS}" | /usr/bin/rev );
echo "${DOMAIN}"
Thanks to https://github.com/gavingmiller/second-level-domains and https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/issues/17#issuecomment-3976617