This works:
.finally(() => console.log('finally1'))
.subscribe(() => { });
But this doesn't:
const obs = this.http.get('/doesntexist2');
obs.finally(() => console.log('finally2'))
obs.subscribe(() => { });
Both URL produce a 404.
I run both and I only see "finally1" being displayed in the console, any idea why?
The difference is that in the second example the .finally
is not in the same stream as the .subscribe
since you aren't chaining them.
Your first example creates this stream:
get -> finally -> subscribe
Your second example creates two branches:
get -> finally
get -> subscribe
The finally wont be executed without a subscription after it.
If you want to build a stream then you need to chain the operators by using the result of the previous operator. It isn't like an in-place operator.