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How to change zsh-autosuggestions color

I am new at zsh.

I've installed the plugin zsh-autosuggestions in oh-my-zsh using instruction mentioned here. I am using Linux (Fedora 26).

What my problem is I want to change the color of the text which comes in suggestion because the current one is not visible in Solarized dark color scheme.

enter image description here

It is visible in light theme

enter image description here

And it works fine as I can pick the current suggestion by pressing key.

My question is that how can I change this suggested text color? I read here that there is a constant ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE, but I am unable to locate that nither in ~/.zshrc file nor in $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions directory.

Can anyone tell me where can I find that and how can I change that? Also please suggest the color which will be suitable for both dark and light theme.

Also please correct if I am going wrong.



  • You can edit your ~/.zshrc and change/add the variable: ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE='fg=value'

    I have just tested the value from fg=8 to fg=5. I think fg stands for Foreground.


    **OBS: Add the above line at the end of your zshrc (after loading the plugin) **

    I have found another reference here.