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How do I change the following from_str macro to from_json?

I have the following macro. Note that StringContent is an enum item.

macro_rules! from_str {  
    ($json:expr) => {         

which allows me to write code like

    "appName": "Demo App",
    "appVersion": "1.0",
    "database": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 3000

Now I want another macro from_json! which allows me to do get rid of the r#""# like so

    "appName": "Demo App",
    "appVersion": "1.0",
    "database": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 3000

I've tried the following which does not seem to work

macro_rules! from_json {  
    ($t:tt) => {         
        StringContent(String::from(concat!(r#"r#""#, stringify!($t), r#"""# , r#"#"#)))

How can I get from_json to work?


  • I'd just use the json macro provided by serde_json, which works with your exact syntax:

    extern crate serde_json;
    extern crate serde;
    fn main() {
        let x = json!({
            "appName": "Demo App",
            "appVersion": "1.0",
            "database": {
                "host": "",
                "port": 3000

    This creates a Value struct. If for some reason you really needed it back as a string, you'd need to re-serialize it using it's Display implementation:

    extern crate serde;
    extern crate serde_json;
    struct StringContent(String);
    macro_rules! from_json {
        ($x:tt) => {{
    fn main() {
        let x = from_json!({
                "appName": "Demo App",
                "appVersion": "1.0",
                "database": {
                    "host": "",
                    "port": 3000
        println!("{}", x.0)