I'm using a block like below
- name: Ensure that the existing certificate has a certain domain in its subjectAltName
path: /etc/ssl/crt/example.com.crt
provider: selfsigned
- www.example.com
- test.example.com
To generate a selfsigned cert with Ansible, I'd like to use the ips in my inventory file as subject_alt_names something like
- name: Generate cert
path: ssl/mongo-test.crt
privatekey_path: ssl/mongo-test.pem
csr_path: ssl/mongo-test.csr
provider: selfsigned
- IP:{{hostvars[item].ansible_host}}
So that I end up with
- name: Generate cert
path: ssl/mongo-test.crt
privatekey_path: ssl/mongo-test.pem
csr_path: ssl/mongo-test.csr
provider: selfsigned
- IP:
- IP:
- IP:
How do I get all my inventory ips to come under the subject_alt_name list?
I've tried using with_items but that creates a new cert per ip address and each iteration overwrites the last.
I know that I am not answering to your question directly but I had the same problem and I chose another approach, hopping it could apply to you too.
I created an openssl.conf
file that is templated with Jinja
[ req ]
prompt = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
{% if letsencrypt_sans_domains[item] is defined and letsencrypt_sans_domains[item] | length > 0 %}
req_extensions = req_ext
{% endif %}
string_mask = utf8only
default_md = sha256
[ req_distinguished_name ]
CN={{ item }}
{% if letsencrypt_sans_domains[item] is defined and letsencrypt_sans_domains[item] | length > 0 %}
[ req_ext ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = {{ item }}
{% set i = 2 %}
{% for domain in letsencrypt_sans_domains[item] %}
DNS.{{ i }} = {{ domain }}
{% set i = i + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Then I deploy the file using template
module and call:
- name: "Generate CSR"
command: "openssl req -config openssl_req_{{ item }}.conf -nodes -new -newkey rsa:4096 -out {{ item }}.csr -keyout {{ item }}.key"
with_items: "{{ letsencrypt_domains | default([]) }}"
The variables letsencrypt_sans_domains
and letsencrypt_domains
point to:
letsencrypt_domains: [
letsencrypt_sans_domains: {
"a.b.com": [ "b.b.com", "c.b.com", "d.b.com" ]
Of course if letsencrypt
is your use case, you'll need to answer the challenge for all SANs domain